In this lab you develop code generation for statements and extend your implementation of functions to deal with nested functions.
See the slides of Lecture 14 for a discussion of static links and several critical example ChocoPy programs.
Develop transformation rules for assignments and control-flow statements.
Here is a sketch for a rule transforming the if
stat-to-instrs-(|r, regs) :
IfElse(e, Block(stats1), Else(Block(stats2))) -> <concat>[
with <exp-to-instrs(|r, regs)> e => instrs0
with <stats-to-instrs(|r, regs)> stats1 => instrs1
with <stats-to-instrs(|r, regs)> stats2 => instrs2
String constants in ChocoPy can be encoded as constant objects. We will discuss objects in more detail next week, but you can already translate string constants. For example
message : str = "hello"
target : str = "world"
print(message + " " + target)
A constant can be translated to a constant object.
For example, the string constant "hello"
.globl const_286
.word 3
.word 6
.word $str$dispatchTable
.word 5
.string "hello"
.align 2
You can then use the label (const_286
in this case) to load the string into a register.
la a0, const_286 # load string constant
From the reference compiler at
In ChocoPy definitions can shadow (make invisible) the definition of other names.
You will have encountered this in your definition of a type system for Statix.
For example, the following program defines two functions named foo
and several variables named a
a : int = 10
def foo(a: int) !- int:
def foo(b : int) !- int:
a : int = 20
return a + b
return foo(a + 10)
In order to make code generation unambiguous you can transform programs to make names unique. For example, the program above could be compiled to the following program, where the name of the enclosing function is used to disambiguate names:
$a : int = 10
def $foo($foo.a: int) !- int:
def $$ : int) !- int:
$ : int = 20
return $ + $
return $foo($foo.a + 10)
Note that this program does not parse, since $
is not part of the syntax of identifiers.
But the approach can be used in abstract syntax, and the names can be used in the target RISC-V code.
ChocoPy supports the definition of nested functions. That is, a function definition can be nested in another function defintion. This entails that they body of a nested function can access the parameters and local variables of the enclosing function(s). For example, here is a (contrived) program with nested functions:
a : int = 10
def foo(x : int) -> int:
b : int = 0
def aux(i : int) -> int:
return b + i
def bar(y : int) -> int:
c : int = 0
def baz(z : int) -> int:
d : int = 0
d = aux(c + 1)
return a + x + y + z
return baz(a + b + x)
b = aux(x)
return bar(b + 10)
Global variables can be accessed directly using their named label. Formal parameters and local variables can be accessed via their offset from the frame pointer. The parameters and local variables of enclosing functions are accessible to nested functions. They are stored in the call frame of the corresponding function, which is on the stack when a nested function is being executed. Thus, to access those variables we need to find the corresponding call frame. However, the call frame of the enclosing function is not necessarily the call frame of the caller of a function. For example, when a function is recursive, there may be multiple call frames separating the call frame of a nested function and that of its (statically) enclosing function.
A static link is an additional implicit argument of a function that points to the call frame of its directly enclosing function. Via the chain of static links, the call frames of all enclosing functions can be reached. See the slides of Lecture 14 for example ChocoPy programs with nested functions and the use of static links to implement them.
Once you have added static links to your code generator, you can implement the calling of nested functions and access to local variables and formal parameters of nested functions. To do that correctly, you need to know how many static links to follow. One approach is to compute before code generation as a program transformation, annotating all function calls with the number of links to follow. For example, for the program above that would lead to:
a : int = 10
def foo(x : int) -> int:
b : int = 0
def aux(i : int) -> int:
return b/1 + i/0
def bar(y : int) -> int:
c : int = 0
def baz(z : int) -> int:
d : int = 0
d = aux/2(c/1 + 1)
return a/0 + x/2 + y/1 + z/0
return baz/0(a/0 + b/1 + x/1)
b = aux/0(x/0)
return bar/0(b/0 + 10)
A question to consider when compiling function calls is whether the order of evaluation of function arguments is relevant. For a language such as C, the order of evaluation is not defined, and up to the compiler to chose an order. This means that programmers cannot count on the order being deterministic. Is the order of evaluation of function call arguments defined for ChocoPy? Does that correspond to the semantics of Python?
The ChocoPy reference implementation uses a boxed representation of strings, integers, and booleans. Is that necessary? Is it possible to use an unboxed representation?
Functions in ChocoPy can be nested. This means that they can have ‘free variables’ that are defined in the context of the function definitions. But ChocoPy functions are not first-class citizens. Thus, one cannot pass a function to another function or store it in a data structure. Can you extend ChocoPy with functions as first-class citizens, i.e. add anonymous function literals to the language? What syntax would you give to such function literals? What would be your strategy for implementing this feature?