A New Compiler Construction Course

August 31, 2020

We’re changing things this year. Of course, due to Corona the course takes place mostly online. But we’re also changing things to the contents of the course.

  • The course used to be split in a theory part and a practical part. This year, we have split the course in a front-end part (CS4200-A) in Q1 and a back-end part (CS4200-B) in Q2. Each course includes theory and practice of that part of the compiler. So the complete course is still 10 ECTS.

  • We’re introducing a new website.

  • Most documentation is on the MetaBorg website.

  • The project changes from MiniJava, a Java subset, to ChocoPy, a Python subset.

  • There will be less emphasis in the project on testing.

  • We will not provide a template project (for the front-end course). You set up the language project in Spoofax from scratch.

  • We will have programming exercises in WebLab.